It has been the uproar of society for the last couple months. Unlike the majority of gouvernement bills in Morocco that goes by unnoticed until people are face to face with some hard to swallow realities and consequences. I am talking about the mandatory service bill for newly graduated doctors... a.k.a M.D slavery.
Since the Moroccan health minister announced his plans to Force newly graduated doctors to work under both a two year contract and undignifying conditions in rural world, the majority of the people considered the already outcasted doctors and Med student as heartless, selfish, unreliable, spoiled beings...
And how couldn't they? Since Mr. Minister has beautifully sugar coated his bill with carefully chosen words such as "patriotism", "noble" and "duty towards isolated rural regions".
The hard truth behind this fairy talish bill, is that Mr. Minister and the government with him started years ago a privatisation policy, aiming to cut off spendings on what they consider "unproductive fields" including education and health.
Mr. Minister accuses us of being ungrateful, unwilling to work in deprived regions... Us who selflessly on our own expenses and on our own free time climb mountains and visit valleys ,he will be unable to place on a map, just to provide medical care... Us who work 20 hours a week in hospitals plus nightshifts since our 3rd year for the shameful amount of 10$ a month.
Mr. Minister accuses us of neglecting our country's need in doctors.... while in the same time his ministry in 2015 provided only 15 work opportunities throughout the whole country for over 2000 newly graduates.
Mr. Minister : what are we asking for here is nothing more than the dignity of both us and our patients... we are willing to work wherever people are in need ... that's our sworn duty, that's why we chose med school at first... but not under obligation.... not as contractors, but as state doctors... not just for 2 years, but as long as needed....and definitely Mr. Minister not under the abysmal health system you and your ministry are supervising.
If you'd go out loud on media accusing us falsely of being just a bunch of spoiled, privileged, ungrateful brats... we won't do the same... for only our patients are allowed to judge us.
And we will maintain our strikes, our protests, our defense line.... as long as you consider winning the next elections worthy of destroying your country's health system.
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