Saturday, 12 December 2015


          We all stutter around adulthood, facing the usual crap we have been told about beforehand but never imagined it to be this cruel, this cold, and this isolating.
We all start using tips from the child we once were "To be liked is the key to happiness", so we start gathering friends, as many as we can (with or without filtering), we just need lots and lots of people around to feel wanted, loved, accepted and useful... therefor come the different techniques from pumping their egos, to being their relationship consultant/ shrink/ mother hen...
Next step is them taking it for granted and you being treated with nothing but disrespect, on purpose or not. You'll start to feel unappreciated, unwanted then you'll make the big NO NO : "questioning your value, blaming yourself and feeling worthless"... this Idea will be your main anchor to which more balls and chains will add till you sink in the abysmal depths of depression. 
To this social mashup, you add your student life, family problems, relationship status... which if not destroyed by the above, will be already a train wreck and help you free fall.

          Bottom line is: never measure your worth by what other people think... social status is important don't get me wrong, just don't make it the first item of your priority list.
First and foremost you must know yourself, work on it, perfect it, and be an A student when it comes to being you... know for fact that there is no greater love than the one you'll give to yourself, no greater witness to how great you are than your mirror reflection, and specially that no one is better or less than you... better is a term you use to compare your actual self to the previous third party involved.

You be You: Get better at your studies/ job, do no harm to others, smile and share some of the love you procure to yourself with other people around you. 
You have nothing to prove, you don't have to show your progression, you just let the aura of fulfillment, pride, love and self appreciation get to every living soul around you.
After you do your homework, let everything everybody says (the same people you once tried to please) be Water off a duck's back.

    Lorem Ipsum
