Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Maintenance ...still

You call it hiding... You call it rude... You may say he "socio-vanished" ... I refer to it as self maintenance.

I apologize for it might not be well taken by everyone. But I actually can't keep a smiley face and snappy humour 24/7.

"Happy by Farrell" is not playing on a loop in my head...gloomy songs and scenarios take turn in there.

I've tried to overcome that before, to push the last button and force myself to show what's not truly felt. To be who I am not. To pretend. But in the end the crowd goes home and I am left with a debt of dark energy that I blocked in order to keep the dimple on my left cheek showing.

It has nothing to do with you per se. It is not personal. I just admit that I am human, weak, vulnerable, with ups and lots and lots of downs.

I can't pretend just to get to a certain goal, just to get a certain favour, or reputation. I can't be your friendly neighbor all the time. But I make sure that when I am in the shadows, I recharge my batteries. So that our next meeting will be held by a sincere smile, by an honest laugh, by a balanced ME.

    Lorem Ipsum
